Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Getting ready...

I've been working on bows and clips for an upcoming craft bazaar and trying to figure out some display options. My 2-year-old found this interesting metal dressform thing at Ross and thought it would be good. I'm not sure what's going on with the crazy "boob" area, but maybe it will draw some attention to my table and be a good conversation piece. Business is picking up a little with custom orders lately. I just mailed out some bows, a bowband, and an appliqued onesie, and I'm delivering another order tomorrow that includes an applique and a bottle cap bow made for a little girl to cheer on her brother's high school team. I posted pics of that one on my Facebook page and have someone else interested in a bow for a different local high school. Maybe next year I should make more football bows that have local teams (hmmm, note to self). Anyway, I've been hard at work cleaning up my disaster of a living room because my BIRTHDAY PARTY is this weekend. Hooray! My friend and I are both turning 30 this month, so we decided to have a big cookout together and celebrate. I must admit I'm pretty excited to have all of our friends over and party it up, but I'm kind of disappointed, too, that themed parties are frowned upon at this age. Think we could rent a bounce house and start a trend? I'm thinking a few of our friends woudl be pretty dang entertaining in that thing once they'd had a few! Then again, they might leave a special b-day surprise that I'd have to clean up later. Never mind!
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